The Automotive Expert Steps on Ball Joint Replacements

Technically, ball joints are part of car suspension ‘arm component’.

A ball joint resides at the edge of the subordinate arm structure, which consists of rubber bush, arm steel and joint.

This solid joint is also the main structure that controls the flexibility of wheel movements: steering the wheels to the left and right and contributes to 20% when turning at the corners.

Like any other suspension component, ball joints eventually will wear out and become loose. There are two recognized methods in order to replace it. The methods are:

Method 1: Removing completely the lower arm components

Method 2: Removing the ball joint

Method 1: Removing completely the lower arm components

The first method is to remove the entire component connected to the lower arm components: rubber bush, middle handle and the joint.

The steps are as below:

1. Loosen the three nuts attached to rubber bush and joint

2. Take out the joint pin

3. Use the car jack to make the arm stand still while you loosen up the screws

4. Take out the ball joint bolt

5. Use a 1 kg hammer to knock the ball joint from wheel component

6. Take out the 2 rubber bush bolt

7. Remove the bolt together with the lower arm

8. Use the hydraulic pump to remove the ball joint

9. Replace the rubber bush, middle connection bush and joint with new units

10. Use a small hammer to install the lower arm

11. Tighten up the connection nut and pin

The advantage of using the above method is the reduction in hours taken to remove and replace the arm components.

However, there are disadvantages in using this method. You will need two main tools to complete the process of changing the arm components: a hydraulic pump and small car jacks. These items can only be found at a car garage or workshops. It takes hard work and a huge amount of cash to complete the DIY process.