How to Handle Hyperactive Child with Easy Tricks

If you ask any parent of a toddler if their child is hyperactive, almost every parent will say yes.

Preschoolers are hyperactive in general, whether they have ADHD or not, and putting them under your thumb can backfire. For example, if you are too strict with the word, your child may become withdrawn and shy; conversely, if you are more liberal with the word, it may feel your child is testing your patience.

Take notes if you’re racking your brain for ideas on how to handle your hyperactive child. Here are four foolproof parenting tips for preschoolers.

  1. Make Responsibilities a Sport

Children enjoy running around and playing. You can take advantage of this by bringingbasic responsibilities into a game. Maintain a leaderboard, for example, and every self-responsible chore, such as making the bed, brushing their teeth, or even pouring cereal, will earn them a point. They can earn a judicious reward if they earn enough points.

You can also turn their toy mess into an obstacle course, where the person who stacks the highest number of toys in the shortest amount of time wins.

  1. Assign Real Responsibilities

Children enjoy pretending to be adults, so assign them chores. Giving your preschooler responsibility for a regular, simple task will boost her confidence and sense of accomplishment. Assign manageable chores, such as making the bed or watering the window plants.

However, make certain that the task you assign is meaningful and not merely a filler.

The goal is to imbibein your child the sense that he or she is a skilled, important family member.

3.Create A Structures Routine

Preschoolers are often too caught up in their world and find it difficult to focus on the task at hand. one simple solution on how to handle your hyperactive child is to create some structure in their lives. Make and arrange things in their proper places. Maintain a quiet environment with few distractions for time-outs and other reflective activities such as reading, painting, and homework.

Make it a habit for your child to do this daily. Create routines for meals, homework, playtime, and bedtime. Simple daily tasks, such as letting your kids lay out the clothes for the day, can help provide a system.

Use a large color-coded wall calendar to continually motivate the child of their responsibilities.

  1. Catch Your Kids Red-Handed- Especially When They Do Good

Rather than rewarding children for daily tasks such as brushing their teeth, reward them for all of the good things they do. Made the bed without being asked? Give them a prize. Do they want to help out around the house? After that, take them out for ice cream.

Reward generously, but rewards don’t always need to be materialistic. Your affection, smile, and a daily dose of praise can help develop into the calm, well-behaved kids you’d like them to be, while simultaneously retaining their quirky personality.

Raising a preschooler can be a rewarding but challenging experience, especially if your child is a goody-two-shoes at playschool but transforms into a whiny, demanding brat when she gets home.  Thankfully, these parenting tips for preschoolers will make you swim through a preschooler storm tantrum just fine.