beard growth In NYC

The last couple of years, the beard has gained popularity among many men. Some people try to look more brutal with its help, others try to hide appearance defects, others just want to be in trend.

Some are lucky, and the beard grows fast and looks gorgeous. But there are men who manage to grow only a small stubble: facial hair grows very slowly. Means for quickly beard growing can cope with such problems as Barbers in Midtown know it will help a lot of men.

To choose a suitable tool for beard growing, you need to understand its composition and mechanism of action. Due to what ingredients does the “awakening” of hair follicles and activation of facial growth occur?

  1. The emergence of new hair is stimulated by natural oils – this is primarily burdock oil, castor oil, menthol, coconut and shea oil.
  2. Bristles will grow faster if the composition contains extracts of plants such as peppers, nettles, ginger and hops.
  3. Blood circulation of the skin can be improved with the help of nicotinic acid – due to this, “sleeping” hair follicles become more active.
  4. Keratin is a special protein that makes hair more elastic and dense, increases its volume and density, prevents brittleness and loss.
  5. Minoxidil is a proven drug for hair growth stimulating, including on the cheeks and chin. This substance is sold in a pharmacy, used in the most serious cases of alopecia, and also copes effortlessly with “bald patches” in the beard.
  6. A lightweight version of minoxidil is aminexil, which strengthens the hair follicles and hair rods.
  7. The vitamins and minerals that enrich the beard products, look after the face skin, and make the hair follicles and the hair stronger. These are B vitamins, vitamins A, D, C, E, as well as potassium, calcium, chromium, selenium, iron, silicon.

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