8 Information You Need To Know About Bichectomy

Darling among celebrities, Bichectomy has been the dream of consumption by more and more people worldwide looking for a more harmonious face. However, there are several issues to be analyzed by the patient and a professional before opting for the procedure. Below, we dissect 8 of these questions, always remembering that any case must be evaluated by a competent professional.

1- Can Every One Perform The Procedure?

Cheek fat reduction is indicated for patients with genetically prominent cheeks and functional problems, such as biting them when chewing or speaking. An evaluation is necessary to verify the patient’s needs, if there is a contraindication, and their expectations.     

2- What Are The Contraindications?

Patients with uncontrolled systemic diseases, such as diabetes, should not undergo the procedure.

3- How Is The Surgery?

The procedure for cheek surgery (เสริม ร่อง แก้ม which is the term in Thai) is performed in the oral cavity with local anesthesia or sedation, and there is no need for hospitalization. The fat is then partially removed through a 1 to 2 cm cut and leaves no visible scars. The length of time will depend on the professional’s experience and any possible complications. The surgery usually takes an average of 20 minutes. Afterward, a laser therapy session is performed to speed up the healing process.

4- And The Risks?

There are vital nerves and arteries in the Bichat balls’ region. If a trained professional does not perform the procedure, complications such as bleeding, infections, lesions in the parotid duct (responsible for saliva), and even facial paralysis may occur.

5- Is It Possible To Reverse The Surgery?

No, the surgery is irreversible. Therefore, it is essential to carefully assess the patient’s need to perform the procedure and perform it correctly.

6- How Is The Postoperative Period?

The recovery process is similar to extracting a tooth. Rest, ice packs to reduce swelling after surgery, solid food restriction for the first few days, and temporary withdrawal from physical exercise are necessary.   

7- How Soon Can The Result Be Observed?

The result varies according to the reaction of each organism but is usually checked within 3 months after surgery.

8 – Can The Cheeks Return To Normal After Bichectomy?

After the Bichat ball is removed, the result is definitive in most cases. However, marked weight gains and the natural aging process of the face can change the result over time.