The Legality of CBD According to UK’s Laws

The demand for CBD has gone up for the past few years. Every CBD shop has seen its number of customers go up, and with more people discovering the benefits of products like CBD tablets UK, more of the same is bound to happen. However, with this development comes a lot of questions about CBD’s legality. Is it legal? Can I import CBD? Let’s take some time to answer these questions for you.

First of all, a lot of people ask whether growing hemp is legal or not. Citizens of the UK are allowed to grow industrial hemp if they apply for a license from the Home Office Controlled Drugs Licensing department. This license also covers the cultivation and possession of cannabis. Some may also be wondering if CBD product selling is allowed. Currently, you are allowed to sell CBD products as long as they don’t have medicinal claims. You are only allowed to have medicinal claims if you are licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.

Recently, more countries have contributed into the CBD industry and CBD importing into the UK is fairly easy as a license will be unnecessary. However, some countries have stricter laws in regard to shipping CBD. Make sure to ask an expert about this. For product labeling, brands are permitted to sell CBD products as long as they are advertised as food supplements and no medicinal claims.

If you have more questions about these laws, read this infographic by Love CBD.